To save user's rating, call rate.php
@param user string Identifier - e.g. e-mail - of the user who rates the song. @param song_id unsigned int ID of the rated song. UNSIGNED INT @param rating signed byte Rating of the song.
one of OK
May be followed by a space and additional data, specifying the error details.
– everything ok, rating saved.BAD_PARAM
– bad parameters (see above) – may also mean
non-existent user, song, etc.
– database error, e.g. could not connect
– error occured when performing SQL query. Details
in /logs/log.txt
– given session ID is not valid, need to
>> `http://localhost:81/winlyrics/real/rate_sess.php?sess_id=f8675g1390s7dngloohqitsd74&song_id=15&rating=10` << `OK`
@param sess_id string Session ID, previously acquired using authentize.php @param song_id unsigned int ID of the rated song. UNSIGNED INT @param rating signed byte Rating of the song.
Returns: Same as above.
Creates a user-song-rating triplet for user
and song 1500
, rated
CALL wl2_SetRating( (SELECT id FROM wl2_users WHERE email = ''), 1500, -10 );
Changes that rating to 50:
CALL wl2_SetRating( (SELECT id FROM wl2_users WHERE email = ''), 1500, 50 );
Creates rating for other song and other user:
CALL wl2_SetRating( 20, 1700, 40 );
Does nothing (invalid user)
CALL wl2_SetRating( (SELECT id FROM wl2_users WHERE email = 'non@existent@user'), 200, 30 );
Removes the rating for given user-song tuple:
CALL wl2_SetRating( (SELECT id FROM wl2_users WHERE email = ''), 1500, NULL );
CREATE TABLE `winlyricscom`.`wl2_users` SELECT * FROM users; ALTER TABLE `winlyricscom`.`wl2_users` ADD COLUMN `pass_md5` char(32) character set cp1250 collate cp1250_bin NOT NULL, MODIFY `email` `email` varchar(128) character set cp1250 NOT NULL, KEY `email` (`email`); -- evt. -- INSERT INTO wl2_users SELECT id, '' AS pass, jmeno, adresa, mesto, stat_kod, postal, email FROM reg_users;
CREATE TABLE `winlyricscom`.`wl2_songs_rating` ( `id_song` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `rating_sum` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `rating_cnt` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `rating` float NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_song`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf-8;
CREATE TABLE `winlyricscom`.`wl2_users_ratings` ( `id_user` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_lyrics` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `rating` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_user`,`id_lyrics`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Creates / updates rating of given song by the given user. Repeated rating
from one user changes his previous rating. Stores the data in
DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `winlyricscom`.`wl2_SetRating`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `winlyricscom`.`wl2_SetRating`(idUser INT UNSIGNED, idSong INT UNSIGNED, iRating TINYINT) BEGIN SELECT rating INTO @iRating FROM wl2_users_ratings WHERE id_user = idUser AND id_song = idSong; IF @iRating = 0 THEN INSERT INTO wl2_users_ratings SET id_user = idUser, id_song = idSong, rating = iRating; ELSE UPDATE wl2_users_ratings SET rating_sum = iRating WHERE id_user = idUser AND id_song = idSong; END IF; END $$ DELIMITER ;
Rebuilds the average ratings in wl2_songs_rating
based on data
in wl2_users_ratings
DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `winlyricscom`.`wl2_RebuildRating`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `winlyricscom`.`wl2_RebuildRating`() BEGIN TRUNCATE wl2_songs_rating; INSERT INTO wl2_songs_rating SELECT id_song, SUM(rating) AS rating_sum, COUNT(*) AS rating_cnt, SUM(rating) / COUNT(*) AS rating FROM wl2_users_ratings GROUP BY id_song; END $$ DELIMITER ;