Have you ever worked with neural networks? Did you run out of memory? And were you looking for a simple solution for work with many large networks, for teaching them and for their storage? Then this may interest you.
For an overview of what neuron networks are and what they are used to, see e.g. Wikipedia's article. This page assumes you have some experience with neural networks.
Imagine a task solved by a very large neural networks, like speech recognition, text recognition and all the other *recognitions, time-tabling, etc. The count of the weights of such nets rises up to millions.
Thinking of OOP NN implementation in Java, each weight will consume about 30–70 bytes of memory, each neuron about 50–100. That consumes about 70 MB for each such network.
Now imagine some graph task with hundreds of nodes where each node has it's own neural network. All networks should be available for computation at any time (say, you use them on a server for a service of some kind). We are getting to the limits of the computers that are commonly available for a common mortals.
Now imagine that these neural networks do not learn by simple backpropagation, instead they learn using techniques like Reinforcement Learning. What would you do? Would you have all the networks in memory? Would you load, compute, and store it again and again? What to do with the RL-data? Stop all computations and let the net learn for a while, making it inaccessible for a while?
Moving the entire process to a database leaves all these problems far behind you. You have one persistent representation of the network, which can be used for computing and taught at the same time.
The memory management is left up to the server, which caches the table rows based on how often you use them.
With reinforcement learning, you can log the results and teach the net in the background process, which modifies the weights when the server has resources for it, but allows computation of the network for „time-critical“ task (don't let your users wait).
So, generally speaking, SQL implementation of neural networks enables you to use much larger networks and more of them than if you used only in-memory networks.
CALL LoggP(...)
) and commented
statements, which can be safely deleted.//2008–05–03:// Available for download: Complete database creation script. Do not
use the snippets from the page, they may be obsolete and are here
mostly for explanation / documentation purposes. I'll try to keep the ZIP file
up to date. However, that's the snapshot right from my database, so expect it
to have plenty of debug stuff like Logg()
calls etc.
//2008–04–29:// I'm finishing a version which gets training data from a database. While being more optimized than independent case-by-case training, it learns much much faster.
This implementation is designed to hold any number of networks of any
architecture in fixed number of tables. So, all neurons are in one table
), all connections in other
), and the networks themselves are registered in
the nn_networks
Originally, I used InnoDB tables for integrity checking. But since that slowed down the computation, which took about seven times longer, I had to switch to MyISAM or Memory engine.
CREATE TABLE nn_networks ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `inputs` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `outputs` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `architecture` enum('perceptron') NOT NULL default 'perceptron', `definition` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Neural networks';
CREATE TABLE nn_net_neurons ( `id_net` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_neuron` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `bias` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_neuron`), KEY `id_net` (`id_net`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Neural net neurons';
CREATE TABLE nn_net_synapses ( `id_from` int(10) unsigned default '0', `id_to` int(10) unsigned default '0', `weight` double NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `from_to` (`id_from`,`id_to`), KEY `id_to` (`id_to`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Connections between neurons';
CREATE TABLE lib_logg ( `whn` datetime NOT NULL, `thread` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `level` enum('info','warn','error','enter','leave') NOT NULL default 'info', `str` text, `rout` varchar(255) default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
## Layers definition, initial weigths range, initial bias range, OUT network ID CALL nn_CreatePerceptron('2,2,1','XOR', 0.10, 0.5, @out_NetID);
Creates a perceptron with an architecture defined by first parameter.
creates 2 input neurons, 2 hidden neurons and 1 output
neuron. Layers are fully connected („cartesian product“). Second parameter
is the name of the network (not unique). Third parameter is the range of initial
weights, which are set randomly. Fourth parameter is the range of initial
biases, also set randomly. In the fifth parameter the procedure returns an ID of
the created network.
Procedure nn_CreatePerceptron
is a wrapper for
(see below).
CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_CreatePerceptron`( sLayers VARCHAR(255), sName VARCHAR(255), dWeightsRange DOUBLE, dBiasRange DOUBLE, out_iNetId INT UNSIGNED) BEGIN /* * Creates a network with perceptron architecture. * INSERTs into nn_network, nn_net_neurons and nn_net_synapses. * @returns: The ID of the network created goes into out_iNetId */ ## Log CALL Logg(CONCAT( 'nn_CreatePerceptron( sLayers: ', NSQ(sLayers), ', sName: ', NSQ(sName), ' )' )); ## Generate the perceptron to temp table. CALL nn_GeneratePerceptron(sLayers, dWeightsRange, dBiasRange); ## Create the new network record and get it's new ID. INSERT INTO nn_networks SET name = sName, architecture = 'perceptron', definition = sLayers, inputs = sLayers, outputs = SUBSTRING_INDEX(sLayers, ',', -1); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO out_iNetId; ## Get last neuron's ID. SELECT IFNULL(MAX(id_neuron)+1,0) INTO @iLastNeuronId FROM nn_net_neurons; CALL Logg(CONCAT( 'Created network #',out_iNetId,' and neurons with ID #',@iLastNeuronId,' and up.' )); INSERT INTO nn_net_neurons SELECT out_iNetId AS id_net, id_neuron + @iLastNeuronId, bias FROM nn_GeneratePerceptron_neurons; CALL Logg(CONCAT( 'Created neurons for nn #',out_iNetId,'' )); INSERT INTO nn_net_synapses SELECT IF( 0 = id_from, NULL, CAST( id_from + @iLastNeuronId AS UNSIGNED ) ) AS id_from, IF( 0 = id_to, NULL, CAST( id_to + @iLastNeuronId AS UNSIGNED ) ) AS id_to, weight FROM nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses; CALL Logg(CONCAT( 'Created synapses for nn #',out_iNetId,'' )); END $$
Procedure nn_GeneratePerceptron
is called by
. That's because
works independently and creates the network
in a virtual space, before merging it to the persistent tables. This helps
isolating the eventual transactions and improves the performance.
CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_GeneratePerceptron`( sLayers VARCHAR(255), dWeightsRange DOUBLE, dBiasRange DOUBLE ) body: BEGIN ## Push old auto-increment settings and set to 1,1. SET @oldInc = @@session.auto_increment_increment, @oldOff = @@session.auto_increment_offset; SET @@session.auto_increment_increment = 1, @@session.auto_increment_offset = 1; SET @sLayers = sLayers; CALL Logg(CONCAT('nn_GeneratePerceptron( ', @sLayers, ' )')); ## Create tables for the result. ## DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_GeneratePerceptron_neurons; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_GeneratePerceptron_neurons( `id_neuron` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `bias` double NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_neuron`) ) ENGINE=Memory COMMENT='Neural net neurons'; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses( `id_from` int unsigned, `id_to` int unsigned, `weight` double NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (`id_from`,`id_to`) ) ENGINE=Memory COMMENT='Connections between neurons'; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_GeneratePerceptron_tmp; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_GeneratePerceptron_tmp( `id_neuron` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `bias` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_neuron`) ) ENGINE=Memory COMMENT='New layer neurons'; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer( `id_neuron` int unsigned #NOT NULL #, PRIMARY KEY (`id_neuron`) , UNIQUE KEY (`id_neuron`) ) ENGINE=Memory COMMENT='IDs of previous layer neurons.'; ## Create pseudo-synapses for the input layer. SET @iNeurons = CAST( @sLayers AS UNSIGNED ); CALL lib_GenerateSequence(1, @iNeurons, 1); ## Instead, create virtual layer, to which the WHILE loop will create synapses. INSERT INTO nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer VALUES (NULL); -- Only one pseudo-synapse per input neuron. SET @iLayer = 0; create_layers: WHILE @sLayers != '' DO # Get the next layer's volume SET @sHead = SUBSTRING_INDEX(@sLayers, ',', 1); #CALL Logg(CONCAT( 'Head: ', @sHead )); SET @sLayers = SUBSTRING( @sLayers, LENGTH(@sHead)+2 ); -- +2 - SUBSTRING() is 1-based. #CALL Logg(CONCAT( 'Tail: ', @sLayers )); SET @iNeurons = CAST( @sHead AS UNSIGNED ); IF NOT @iNeurons THEN ITERATE create_layers; END IF; SET @iLayer = @iLayer + 1; ## Create the layer. ## CALL Logg(CONCAT('Generating layer ', @iLayer, ' with ', @iNeurons, ' neurons.')); # Last inserted id. SELECT IFNULL(MAX(id_neuron),0) INTO @iLastId FROM nn_GeneratePerceptron_neurons; # Create new neurons IDs. CALL lib_GenerateSequence(@iLastId+1, @iLastId + @iNeurons, 1); # Insert neurons with corresponding IDs. INSERT INTO nn_GeneratePerceptron_neurons SELECT NULL AS id_neuron, -- 0.0 AS bias -- (RAND()-0.5)*1.6 AS bias # <-0.8, 0.8) (RAND()-0.5)*2*dBiasRange AS bias FROM lib_GenerateSequence; CALL Logg('...neurons generated.'); # Connect this new layer with previous layer. INSERT INTO nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses SELECT nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer.id_neuron AS id_from, lib_GenerateSequence.i AS id_to, (RAND()-0.5)*2*dWeightsRange AS weight FROM nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer CROSS JOIN lib_GenerateSequence; CALL Logg('...synapses generated.'); # Make this layer the "previous" for next turn TRUNCATE nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer; INSERT INTO nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer SELECT i AS id_neuron FROM lib_GenerateSequence; ## Final Report of this layer creation round. SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @iNeuronsTotal FROM nn_GeneratePerceptron_neurons; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @iSynapsesTotal FROM nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses; CALL Logg(CONCAT('Generated layer', NS(@iLayer), '. The net has now ', NS(@iNeuronsTotal), ' neurons and ', NS(@iSynapsesTotal),' synapses.')); END WHILE; ## Create pseudo-synapses for the output layer. INSERT INTO nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses SELECT id_neuron AS id_from, NULL AS id_to, 1.0 AS weight FROM nn_GeneratePerceptron_prev_layer; ## Reset input pseudo-synapses weights. UPDATE nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses SET weight = 1.0 WHERE id_from IS NULL; ## Reset input neurons' biases to zero. UPDATE nn_GeneratePerceptron_neurons AS neu LEFT JOIN nn_GeneratePerceptron_synapses AS syn ON neu.id_neuron = syn.id_to SET bias = 0.0 WHERE syn.id_from IS NULL; ## Restore original auto-increment settings. SET @@session.auto_increment_increment = @oldInc, @@session.auto_increment_offset = @oldOff; END $$
When we have an existing network, we want to be able to identify it's input
and output neurons. That's what nn_GetInputNeuronIDs
## Get the input neuron IDs for the network with ID 1. CALL nn_GetInputNeuronIDs( 1 ); ## Get the output neuron IDs for the network with ID 1. CALL nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs( 1 );
For the XOR network with 2,2,1 architecture, the output could be like this:
pos | id_neuron |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
pos | id_neuron |
1 | 5 |
CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_GetInputNeuronIDs`(iNetID INTEGER) COMMENT 'Returns tmp.t. (pos, id_neuron) with given net''s input neurons.' body: BEGIN #CALL LoggP('nn_GetInputNeuronIDs', CONCAT('nn_GetInputNeuronIDs( ',NS(iNetID),' )')); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_GetInputNeuronIDs; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_GetInputNeuronIDs ( `pos` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_neuron` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (`pos`) ) ENGINE=Memory ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Input neuron IDs indexed by position.'; IF iNetID IS NULL THEN LEAVE body; END IF; INSERT INTO nn_GetInputNeuronIDs -- SELECT syn.id_to FROM nn_net_synapses AS syn WHERE syn.id_from = 0; SELECT NULL AS pos, id_to AS id_neuron FROM nn_net_synapses AS syn LEFT JOIN nn_net_neurons AS neu ON neu.id_net = iNetID AND syn.id_to = neu.id_neuron WHERE id_net = iNetID AND syn.id_from IS NULL ORDER BY id_to; END $$
CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs`(iNetID INTEGER) COMMENT 'Returns tmp.t. (pos, id_neuron) with given net''s output neurons.' body: BEGIN CALL LoggP('nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs', CONCAT('nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs( ', NS(iNetID), ' )')); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs ( `pos` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_neuron` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (`pos`) ) ENGINE=Memory ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Output neuron IDs indexed by position.'; IF iNetID IS NULL THEN LEAVE body; END IF; INSERT INTO nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs -- SELECT syn.id_to FROM nn_net_synapses AS syn WHERE syn.id_from = 0; SELECT NULL AS pos, id_from AS id_neuron FROM nn_net_synapses AS syn LEFT JOIN nn_net_neurons AS neu ON neu.id_net = iNetID AND syn.id_from = neu.id_neuron WHERE id_net = iNetID AND syn.id_to IS NULL ORDER BY id_from; #SELECT * FROM nn_GetInputNeuronIDs; -- DEBUG END $$
Computes a single network output for given input.
CALL nn_ComputeNet(1, '-1, 1', TRUE); SELECT * FROM nn_ComputeNet;
SELECT * FROM nn_ComputeNet_InternalValues;
id_neuron | val |
5 | 0.984 |
id_neuron | val |
1 | –1 |
2 | 1 |
3 | 0.0166427942550775 |
4 | 0.972952595778587 |
5 | 0.984122623404696 |
CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_ComputeNet`( iNetId INTEGER, sadInput VARCHAR(255), bStoreInternalValues BOOLEAN) body: BEGIN DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_ComputeNet; CALL LoggP('nn_ComputeNet', F3('nn_ComputeNet( {1}, {2}, {3} );.', NS(iNetId), NSQ(sadInput), NSB(bStoreInternalValues) )); IF iNetId IS NULL OR sadInput IS NULL THEN LEAVE body; END IF; SET @bStoreInternalValues = TRUE; -- IFNULL(bStoreInternalValues, FALSE); ## Get a table with input values as rows. # pos, val CALL lib_Explode(',', sadInput); #SELECT * FROM lib_Explode; LEAVE body; -- DEBUG # pos, id_neuron CALL nn_GetInputNeuronIDs( iNetId ); #SELECT * FROM nn_GetInputNeuronIDs; LEAVE body; -- DEBUG SET @iCntInputNeurons = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nn_GetInputNeuronIDs); SET @iCntInputValues = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lib_Explode); IF @iCntInputNeurons != @iCntInputValues THEN CALL Logg_error(F2('Number of input neurons {1} and number of input values {2} differs.', @iCntInputNeurons, @iCntInputValues )); LEAVE body; END IF; ## Create the work table and fill it with input neurons' IDs. DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_ComputeNet_new_layer; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (id_neuron) ,val DOUBLE NOT NULL ) ENGINE = Memory ROW_FORMAT = FIXED SELECT id_neuron, val FROM lib_Explode AS ex LEFT JOIN nn_GetInputNeuronIDs AS inp USING(pos); CALL LoggP('nn_ComputeNet', CONCAT('Input: ', ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(id_neuron,': ',val) SEPARATOR '; ') FROM nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer ))); ## If we were asked to store internal neurons' output values, do so. IF @bStoreInternalValues THEN DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_ComputeNet_InternalValues; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_ComputeNet_InternalValues ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (id_neuron) ,val DOUBLE NOT NULL ) ENGINE = Memory ROW_FORMAT = FIXED SELECT * FROM nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer; END IF; SET @iInputNeurons = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer); SET @iRound = 1; compute_layers: LOOP SET @iRound = @iRound +1; IF @iRound > 5 THEN LEAVE compute_layers; END IF; -- DEBUG #CALL LoggP('nn_ComputeNet', F1('Computing next layer. %s neurons on input.', @iInputNeurons)); -- DEBUG ## Compute the values for the next layer. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_ComputeNet_new_layer ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (id_neuron) ,val DOUBLE NOT NULL ) ENGINE = Memory ROW_FORMAT = FIXED SELECT neu.id_neuron, #SIGMOID(SUM(inp.val * syn.weight)+neu.bias) AS val -- Too slow :-/ 1 / (1 + EXP(- (SUM(inp.val * syn.weight)+neu.bias) ) ) AS val FROM nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer AS inp LEFT JOIN nn_net_synapses AS syn ON inp.id_neuron = syn.id_from LEFT JOIN nn_net_neurons AS neu ON syn.id_to = neu.id_neuron WHERE neu.id_neuron IS NOT NULL GROUP BY(neu.id_neuron); #CALL LoggP('nn_ComputeNet', 'Computed.'); -- DEBUG ## Update the number of input neurons for next layer. SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @iInputNeurons FROM nn_ComputeNet_new_layer; ## If no further neurons are left, quit the loop. IF 0 = @iInputNeurons THEN LEAVE compute_layers; END IF; CALL LoggP('nn_ComputeNet', CONCAT('Input: ', ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(id_neuron,': ',val) SEPARATOR '; ') FROM nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer ))); ## Switch ## DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer; ALTER TABLE nn_ComputeNet_new_layer RENAME TO nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer; ## If we were asked to store internal neurons' output values, do so. ## This can be after the Switch - we do NOT want to duplicate output values. IF @bStoreInternalValues THEN INSERT INTO nn_ComputeNet_InternalValues SELECT * FROM nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer; END IF; END LOOP; ALTER TABLE nn_ComputeNet_prev_layer RENAME TO nn_ComputeNet; END $$
For explanation of backpropagation, see Don Tveter's backpropagation tutorial.
Again, the API is very simple. First, procedure nn_ComputeNet
computes the net's output. While doing that, it also stores the internal
neurons' values; we asked to do so by setting the third parameter to
CALL nn_ComputeNet( iNetID, '1, -1', TRUE ); ## Be sure to set to TRUE!
Then we have to rename the tables, because MySQL does not allow to pass the result set in any other way. (At least one row could be spared… see my MySQL wish-list.)
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights, nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues; ALTER TABLE nn_ComputeNet RENAME TO nn_CorrectWeights; ALTER TABLE nn_ComputeNet_InternalValues RENAME TO nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues;
And finally we call the nn_CorrectWeights
procedure, which
applies the backpropagation algorithm to the network, and returns the error
value to the OUT param.
First param is the ID of the network to compute, then comes the Lambda, Fi, Psi, Alfa, Beta, Gama, Pi, or however you call it – I call it „learning rate“. Finally it's the output variable for error level.
CALL nn_CorrectWeights(iNetID, '1', @dLearn, @out_dErrorSum);
Based on the error level, you can apply the simulated annealing, as we will show later. Using that, you can get to very low error levels, less than 0.0001 for some tasks.
After calling nn_CorrectWeights
, the weights in the persistent
table are updated to reflect the changes made by the backpropagation
CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_CorrectWeights`( id_net INTEGER, sadValuesWanted VARCHAR(255), dLearn DOUBLE, OUT out_dErrorSum DOUBLE ) BEGIN body: BEGIN CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', F2('nn_CorrectWeights( {1}, {2} )', NS(id_net), NSQ(sadValuesWanted) )); IF id_net IS NULL OR sadValuesWanted IS NULL THEN LEAVE body; END IF; ### Check the output neurons table for existence and structure. ### CALL lib_TemporaryTableHasColumns('nn_CorrectWeights', 'id_neuron,val', @iInputExists); IF NOT @iInputExists THEN CALL Logg_error('nn_CorrectWeights input table must be: (id_neuron INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, val DOUBLE NOT NULL).'); LEAVE body; END IF; #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', 'nn_CorrectWeights input table OK'); CALL lib_TemporaryTableHasColumns('nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues', 'id_neuron,val', @iInputExists); IF NOT @iInputExists THEN CALL Logg_error('... nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues input table must be: (id_neuron INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, val DOUBLE NOT NULL).'); LEAVE body; END IF; #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', '... nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues input table OK'); ### Create the list of wanted neuron network output values from the string param. ### Result: TEMPORARY TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted( id_neuron INT PK, val DOUBLE ). CALL lib_TemporaryTableHasColumns('nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted', 'id_neuron, val', @bHas); IF NOT @bHas THEN CALL lib_Explode(',', sadValuesWanted); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted; ALTER TABLE lib_Explode RENAME TO nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted; # TODO: Feature request - RENAME OVERWRITE TO... #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', '... exploded the wanted values'); ### Get the output neurons and check if their count also matches. CALL lib_TemporaryTableHasColumns('nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs', 'pos, id_neuron', @bHas); IF NOT @bHas THEN CALL nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs( id_net ); END IF; ### Mint wanted values' positions into neurons ID. #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', '... converting wanted values\' position into output neuron\'s ID.'); /* This way is unsafe (? - PK collision), but fast. But DROP PRIMARY KEY is available only for MyISAM. ALTER TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted DROP PRIMARY KEY; -- Does this prevent PK collision? I think so. UPDATE nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted AS want LEFT JOIN nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs AS out_neu USING(pos) SET want.pos = out_neu.id_neuron; ALTER TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted MODIFY COLUMN pos id_neuron INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY; */ # This way is safe. DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted_pos; ALTER TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted RENAME TO nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted_pos; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, val DOUBLE NOT NULL ) ENGINE = Memory SELECT out_neu.id_neuron, want.val FROM nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted_pos AS want LEFT JOIN nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs AS out_neu USING(pos); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted_pos; CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', CONCAT('Wanted values: ', ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(id_neuron,': ',val) SEPARATOR '; ') FROM nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted ))); END IF; ### Check if the counts of wanted values and actual output values are equal. SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @iCntWanted FROM nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @iCntComputed FROM nn_CorrectWeights; IF @iCntWanted != @iCntComputed THEN CALL LoggP_error('nn_CorrectWeights', 'Counts of wanted and computed values differs.'); LEAVE body; END IF; #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', '... counts OK'); SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @iCntOutputNeurons FROM nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs; IF @iCntWanted != @iCntOutputNeurons THEN CALL LoggP_error('nn_CorrectWeights', 'Counts of wanted values and output neurons differs.'); LEAVE body; END IF; #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', '... count in iCntOutputNeurons OK'); ### Rename the input table to nn_CorrectWeights_Computed. DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights_Computed; ALTER TABLE nn_CorrectWeights RENAME TO nn_CorrectWeights_Computed; ##################################################################### ### Enough of checking; Now the weights correction really begins. /* We have: nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs (pos, id_neuron) nn_CorrectWeights_Computed (id_neuron, val) nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted (id_neuron, val) nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues (id_neuron, val) */ ### Create the table for data of the "current layer" - id_neuron and difference. #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', 'Creating table nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer.'); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights_prev_layer; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer ( id_neuron INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ,error DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0 ) ENGINE Memory ROW_FORMAT = FIXED SELECT comp.id_neuron ,(want.val - comp.val) * comp.val * (1-comp.val) AS error FROM nn_CorrectWeights_Computed AS comp LEFT JOIN nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted AS want USING(id_neuron); ### Total error of the output layer. Not used yet - later for teaching cycle control. SELECT SUM(ABS(error)) INTO out_dErrorSum FROM nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer; -- DEBUG: #CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (id_neuron INT, error DOUBLE); #INSERT INTO foo SELECT 11111, 0.666666666666; #INSERT INTO foo SELECT * FROM nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer; SET @iLayers = 0; layers: LOOP SET @iLayers = @iLayers + 1; CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', F2('Correcting {1} th layer. IDs: {2}', @iLayers, NS( (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(id_neuron,' / err: ', ROUND(error,5) ) SEPARATOR ', ') FROM nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer AS cur) ))); ### Create table for previous layer. # Computes their diff and runs their output thru current neuron's function derivation. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_prev_layer ( id_neuron INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (id_neuron) ,error DOUBLE NOT NULL ) ENGINE = Memory ROW_FORMAT = FIXED SELECT upstream.id_neuron, SUM( cur.error * syn.weight ) * upstream.val * (1-upstream.val) AS error FROM nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer AS cur LEFT JOIN nn_net_synapses AS syn ON syn.id_to = cur.id_neuron LEFT JOIN nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues AS upstream ON syn.id_from = upstream.id_neuron WHERE upstream.id_neuron != 0 #IS NOT NULL GROUP BY upstream.id_neuron; -- ## ROW_COUNT() always returns -1. Is it a BUG?? -- CALL Logg(CONCAT('RC: ',ROW_COUNT())); ### If there are no more upstream neurons, quit the loop. IF 0 = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nn_CorrectWeights_prev_layer) THEN LEAVE layers; END IF; IF @iLayers > 20 THEN CALL Logg('bye >'); LEAVE layers; END IF; -- DEBUG - prevent infinite loop. CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( F6('{1}(err:{2}) --(w:{3})--> {4}(val:{5}) => delta:{6}', NS(id_to), ROUND(cur.error,3), NS(ROUND(syn.weight,3)), NS(id_from), NS(ROUND(iv.val,3)), NS(ROUND(dLearn * cur.error * iv.val, 3)) ) SEPARATOR ' ; ') FROM nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer AS cur LEFT JOIN nn_net_synapses AS syn ON syn.id_to = cur.id_neuron LEFT JOIN nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues AS iv ON syn.id_from = iv.id_neuron ) ); ### Update the BIAS of the neurons of the current layer. UPDATE nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer AS cur LEFT JOIN nn_net_neurons AS neu USING(id_neuron) SET neu.bias = neu.bias + dLearn * cur.error; CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', F1('Updated %s biases.', ROW_COUNT())); -- DEBUG ### Update the WEIGHTS of synapses to previous layer's neurons UPDATE nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer AS cur LEFT JOIN nn_net_synapses AS syn ON syn.id_to = cur.id_neuron LEFT JOIN nn_CorrectWeights_InternalValues AS iv ON syn.id_from = iv.id_neuron SET syn.weight = syn.weight + dLearn * cur.error * iv.val; CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', F1('Updated %s weights.', ROW_COUNT())); -- DEBUG ### Switch ### DROP TEMPORARY TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer; ALTER TABLE nn_CorrectWeights_prev_layer RENAME TO nn_CorrectWeights_cur_layer; END LOOP layers; #CALL LoggP('nn_CorrectWeights', 'All layers done, all weights updated.'); END body; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights_Wanted; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_CorrectWeights_Computed; #DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nn_GetOutputNeuronIDs; # CALL LoggLeave('nn_CorrectWeights'); END $$
For effective use of SQL implementation of NN, it's good to have an option
to feed the network directly from the database. Assumming you prepared the data
into an appropriate data structure, you can teach the network with one
A training data set is defined in the nn_trainsets
table. Such
set is, for example, train data for XOR.
Each data set contains input-output pairs, I call them
train cases
, in the nn_trainsets_cases
table. E.g. XOR
train data has 4 train cases:
{-1,-1} -> {0.0}, {-1,1} -> {1.0}, ...
The individual input and output values are stored in
and nn_trainsets_output
CREATE TABLE `nn_trainsets` ( `id_set` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `input_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `output_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_set`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ROW_FORMAT=FIXED; CREATE TABLE `nn_trainsets_cases` ( `id_case` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_set` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_case`), KEY `id_set` USING BTREE (`id_set`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ROW_FORMAT=FIXED; CREATE TABLE `nn_trainsets_input` ( `id_case` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `pos` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `val` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (`pos`,`id_case`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ROW_FORMAT=FIXED; CREATE TABLE `nn_trainsets_output` ( `id_case` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `pos` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `val` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (`pos`,`id_case`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ROW_FORMAT=FIXED;
Due to need of optimization, procedures nn_ComputeNet
had to be modified. Two specialized procedures
complete this task – nn_ts_ComputeNet
. Their difference is in that they do not take
serialized values in parameters; instead, they expect pre-created tables with
these values.
CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_ts_ComputeNet`( iNetID INTEGER, bStoreInternalValues BOOLEAN ) body: BEGIN /* * PROCEDURE nn_ts_ComputeNet( iNetID, bStoreInternalValues ) * * Computes a network's output value. * Expects the following input tables: * * nn_ts_ComputeNet_Input ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED, val DOUBLE ) */ -- Code too long - snipped. -- END $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `nn_ts_CorrectWeights`( iNetID INTEGER, dLearn DOUBLE, OUT out_dErrorSum DOUBLE ) BEGIN body: BEGIN /* * PROCEDURE nn_ts_CorrectWeights( id_net, dLearn, out_dErrorSum ) * * Corrects weights using the backprop algorithm. * Expects the following input tables: * * nn_ts_CorrectWeights_Computed ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED, val DOUBLE ) - computed values on output neurons. * nn_ts_CorrectWeights_InternalValues ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED, val DOUBLE ) - computed values on hidden neurons. * nn_ts_CorrectWeights_Wanted ( id_neuron INT UNSIGNED, val DOUBLE ) - desired output values. * */ -- Code too long - snipped. -- END body; END $$
Finally, procedure nn_ts_TeachTrainset
teaches the net using the
prepared training data set. All it needs is the network ID, the training set ID,
the learning rate, target error and the maximum rounds to be completed (a
„round“ means that all cases from the training set are used
exactly once).
The training itself is done by „incremental backpropagation“. The process of teaching is stopped immediatelly when the target error is reached with some training case (insufficient, to be fixed).
CREATE PROCEDURE `neural_network`.`nn_ts_TeachTrainset` ( iNetID INT UNSIGNED, iTrainsetID INT UNSIGNED, dLearn DOUBLE, dTargetError DOUBLE, iMaxRounds INT UNSIGNED ) body: BEGIN /* * Teaches the given network using the given trainset. * Expects the following input tables: * * `nn_trainsets_input` and `nn_trainsets_output` tables filled with the training data. */ -- Code too long - snipped. -- END body; $$
Then, teaching the neural network is as easy as a one-line CALL
This trains the network #2 using training set #1, having learn rate of
, target error 0.0001
and with maximum of
passes through the training set:
CALL nn_ts_TeachTrainset( 2, 1, 0.5, 0.0001, 1000 );
This way, simulated annealing can be easily applied:
CALL nn_ts_TeachTrainset( 2, 1, 0.7, 0.01, 6000 ); CALL nn_ts_TeachTrainset( 2, 1, 0.3, 0.003, 2000 ); CALL nn_ts_TeachTrainset( 2, 1, 0.1, 0.0005, 1000 ); CALL nn_ts_TeachTrainset( 2, 1, 0.05, 0.0001, 1000 );
You can have a look what was happening during the process:
SELECT * FROM lib_logg WHERE rout = 'nn_ts_TeachTrainset';
when | thread | level | message | routine |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | Teaching net #2 for trainset 1 case 3 (4996th case} | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | #2 (1.00000 , –1.00000) computed: [0.97996]; | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | Error: 0.0004 | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | Teaching net #2 for trainset 1 case 1 (4997th case} | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | #2 (-1.00000 , –1.00000) computed: [0.02026]; | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | Error: 0.0004 | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | Teaching net #2 for trainset 1 case 2 (4998th case} | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | #2 (-1.00000 , 1.00000) computed: [0.97514]; | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
2008–04–28 20:50:11 | 176 | info | Error: 0.0006 | nn_ts_TeachTrainset |
… |
The structure of the network representation remains the same, so use the
network with the same CALL
Tested with MySQL version 5.0.51a, 5.1.24 and 6.0.4-alpha.
Currently developed only by myself :-) Anyone is welcome to JOIN
and help with the tasks below.
Download: Complete database creation script (ZIP, 15 kB).
Do not use the snippets from the page, they may be obsolete and are here mostly for explanation / documentation purposes.
I'll try to keep the ZIP file up to date.
However, that's the snapshot right from my database, so expect it to have
plenty of debug stuff like Logg()
calls etc.
Also, there are some parts of code that might cause problems, like
And, lastly, the persistent tables may have the Memory engine set; so if you need your data to prevail the MySQL server reboot, ensure that ALL non-TEMPORARY tables' engine is MyISAM (recommended native engine) or PBXT (recommended plug-in engine, experimental).
I will focus further developement on these areas:
Questions? See contacts.
Keywords: Neural networks stored procedures mysql sql MyISAM InnoDB PBXT PBTX.