
JTexy! – Texy! Java Implementation project

I am about to port Texy! to Java.

But that's a long-term plan, therefore this page is here as a placeholder.

Texy! author, David Grudl, created a test suite of several Texy! formatted files, which can be used to validate the implementation.

Available at http://download.texy.info/refs.zip .


Oh no – JDK6's regular expressions do not support recursion :(

I am looking for a Java regexp lib with support for recursion, like: <a+(?0)>. See http://www.php.net/…ecursive.php. I need it for this expression:

(?:mUi)^/--++ *+(.*)(?: *(?<= |^)\\.((?:\\([^)\\n]+\\)|\\[[^\\]\\n]+\\]|\\{[^}\\n]+\\}|<>|>|=|<){1,4}?))?$((?:\\n.*+)*)(?:\\n(?0)|\\n\\\\--.*$|\\z)

JDK does not support it, ORO does neither, nor Stevesoft Pat does.

dev.java.net is sooooo slooow…

Gone to Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/jtexy/

What's the relation between ORO and Jakarta Regexp?

ORO developement stalled in 2004? Is Jakarta Regexp a successor? Is Jakarta Regexp PERL compatible? ORO claims so, Regexp does not.

Parsing core: TexyParser.php @ 152

PHP's preg_mat­ch_all

// parse loop
$matches = array();
$priority = 0;
foreach ($this->patterns as $name => $pattern)

        foreach ($ms as $m) {
                $offset = $m[0][1];
                foreach ($m as $k => $v) $m[$k] = $v[0];
                $matches[] = array($offset, $name, $m, $priority);

PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE – makes the returned multidimensional array even more multidimensional – stores the string at [0] and the offset at [1] (well, PHP is really that shitty).

PREG_SET_ORDER – the matches are ordered so that sub-group is next to it's parent group or it's sibling (depth-first instead of breadth-first).

|...|U makes all quantifiers ungreedy:

You could also make ALL the quantifiers in a regular expression „ungreedy“ by using the U modifier. http://www.skdevelopment.com/…ressions.php


No Java library supports global ungreediness! :-((
* StackOverflow post:
* Java forums post:
* Java forums archive:
* Ales Novak – ales A netbeans.com
* java.util.regex JavaDoc: http://java.sun.com/…Pattern.html
* java.util.regex tester: http://www.regexplanet.com/…e/index.html

Promising clues:

* OpenJDK should support LAZY
* There's a PHP port to Java: http://www.java2s.com/…java-doc.htm
* I could hack the JDK code: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/…Pattern.java
* http://hg.openjdk.java.net/…Pattern.java
* 2721 private void addFlag(), 2760 private void subFlag()


Is this the same as multiple calls to preg_match()?
preg_match() returns the number of times pattern matches. That will be either 0 times (no match) or 1 time because preg_match() will stop searching after the first match. preg_match_all() on the contrary will continue until it reaches the end of subject.

Is there similar in Java, or do I have to iterate?

Need to re-design…

Original design is, despite of author's credits,… not perfect.
* The way modules are registered
* and whole callback system


RegExp.Patterns.php – slash hell – do the slashes belong to RE or to PHP?

protect() – will I preserve it? Yes.

Is dom4j or jDOM enough for #JTexy? Yet seems so.

modifier.decorate( elmRet ) dosn't need texy reference – it should keep it from it's creation.

Why Texy doesn't keep $handler, $pattern, $name together in a classfunction registerLinePattern($handler, $pattern, $name)

WTF, list(, $mParam, $mMod, $mContent) = $matches; everywhere? Again, why not put it in a class?

$pattern . 'Am', // anchored & multiline → #JTexy: Is it the same as prepended ^ ?

TexyParser.php @ 169: $priority++; – later patterns have higher priority? No, the other way.

What is TexyLineParser.again good for? Never set to true?

Texy Refactoring


mám pár návrhů na mírný refactoring parseru:

1) Zavést třídu pro patterny; handlery uložit k patternům rovnou jako referenci funkce.

public class RegexpInfo {

        public String name;
        public String perlRegexp;
        public String regexp;
        public String flags;
        public String mode;
        public String htmlElement;

        // Handler of this pattern - a "callback".
        public PatternHandler handler;

        public enum Type { LINE, BLOCK };
        public Type type = Type.LINE;

2) V parseru: Výsledky preg_match_all() převést na pole objektů, místo pole polí (… polí polí, jak je zvykem v PHP).

class ParserMatchInfo implements Comparable<ParserMatchInfo>
        public final RegexpInfo pattern;
        public final List<MatchWithOffset> groups;
        public final int offset;
        public final int priority;

Taková třída je taky přirozeným místem pro funkci cmp().

3) Při vytváření objektu s informacemi o matchnutí rovnou uložit referenci na použitý patten, místo jeho jména.
Zaprvé se tak ušetří jeden lookup, zadruhé to zpřehlední kód.

4) V názvech proměnných zavést pojem group pro skupiny matchnutí reg. výrazu. „Match“ ponechat pro celý match.

preg_match_all( $pattern['pattern'],  $text,  $ms,  PREG_SET_ORDER );
$matches[0];    // --> First match
$matches[0][0]; // --> Group - matched text of the whole first match.
$matches[0][1]; // --> First sub-group of the first match.

Tak nebude nutné pojmenovávat proměnné $ms, $matches, $m, $mMatches, …

**5) Přesunout TexyParagraphMo­dule.process() do TexyBlockParser

**6) Zavést třídu ParserEvent, dědit od ní a tyto používat pro model událostí.

Jsou to všechno interní věci, takže to nikoho moc netrápí, ale když už je to ten opensource a někdo by to mohl chtít časem hackovat… ;-)


PS: Kódy jsou v Javě; nápady na refaktorizaci totiž pocházejí ze vznikajícího JTexy.

Sun feature request


Regex: Support for UNGREEDY or (?U) flag


Perl regular expressions have „/…/U“ and „(?U)“. Many of text processing tools based on regexp use this extensively (e.g. Texy).

These tools are done in a way that makes quite hard to add the ungreedy (reluctant) mode, using .*?, to all closures – they have many regular expressions (few dozens to hundreds), and many of them change with each release.


  1. This would make porting such text tools easier to port to Java, and thus would contribute to spread
  2. None of other Java regexp libs (including ORO and Jakarta Regexp) has support for this feature.
  3. I believe it wouldn't be hard to implement since there already is support for in-place reluctant closures. Checking for a flag when processing a closure shouldn't be complicated.

Expected Behavior:

Regex: „.*foo“ with UNGREEDY flag or „(?U).*foo“ String: „AAAfooBBBfoo“

Desired result:
group(1): AAAfoo
group(2): BBBfoo

Actual Behavior:

Current result:
group(1): AAAfooBBBfoo

Source code for an executable test case:

String inputStr = „AAAfooBBBfoo“; String patternStr = „.*foo“;

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compi­le(patternStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(in­putStr);

… etc.


Well, changing all closures to be reluctant. sigh

User Info


Java implementace překladače Texy!

Texy je bezesporu jeden z pokladů českého opensource. Je škoda, že je zatím jen pro PHP.


nechtěl by někdo čirou náhodou implementovat překladač Texy v Javě?


Mohlo by to být dobré téma projektu / bakalářky… Formální specifikace není, jen podle popisu syntaxe a ukázek použití…

Java komunita by vás jistě oslavovala :-)


Autor Texy David Grudl sestavil sadu testovacích souborů, na kterých lze ověřit implementaci překladače. K dispozici na http://download.texy.info/refs.zip

Algou a omegou původní PHP imiplementace jsou PCRE. Knihovna pro Javu, která zvládá PCRE podle Perl 5, je na http://jakarta.apache.org/oro/ .

Ondra Žižka