
Converting a number to Excel column character name

If you use Java to work with Excel files (for example, using HSSF from the Apache POI project), you might to cross the problem of converting an integer to a alphabetical columns naming.

That might seem trivial at first sight, but the Excel letter naming system is not easily convertible because of different handling of zero.

Here is the method I created for that task.

Note that this solution is general for any number; when counting on the fact that Excel's last column is IV, this could be done using one if.

 * Converts column number to Excel column characters name, e.g.: 43 => AQ
 * @autor Ondra Žižka
private static String ConvertColumnNumberToChars( int i ){
  if( i < 0 )
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Converted number must be greater than zero.");

  int iBase = 'Z' - 'A'+1;
  if( iBase > Character.MAX_RADIX )
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This JRE can't convert to radix greater than "+Character.MAX_RADIX);

  String interConversion = Integer.toString(i-1, iBase).toUpperCase();

  System.out.print("inter: "+ interConversion +";  ");

  char[] ac = interConversion.toCharArray();
  for( int j = 0; j < ac.length; j++ ) {
    int poziceOdzadu = ac.length - j - 1;
    char c = ac[j];
    ac[j] =  (char) ('A' - poziceOdzadu + Character.digit( c, iBase ));

  return String.copyValueOf( ac );

}// private static String ConvertColumnNumberToChars( int i )

Keywords: Excel, column, number, integer, letter, column name, sheet, Java, POI, HSSF.

Převod čísla sloupce na písmeno ve stylu Excelu

Výše najdete způsob, jak převést číslo sloupce v Excel tabulce na název složený z písmen. Nechce se mi to přepisovat do češtiny celé, tak aspoň tahle česká klíčová slova :-)