I've crafted a tool which transforms a CSV file into another CSV file using a SQL statement (as I did not found such).
Can be useful for various quick'n'dirty integration during test automation, esp. for data-oriented tasks like perf-tests.
Many tools spit out CSV, or are able to as one of output options. Also, in hudson, you can very simply log any values you get into bash like echo " $val2, $val2" >> data.csv, for each build or part of a build. So it can be kind of integration tool.
Then you can do quite complex queries – from a flat table, you can actually do subselects and then left joins, which gives you very powerful tool to process the data into something what is ready for plotting as-is – that means, data filtered, cleaned, aggregated, converted, aligned, sorted, etc.
That might be my POV, since I like SQL and it's my favorite language not only for querying but also data-oriented procedural programming. But nonetheless, I already shortened my perf test task by ~ 40 minutes of my work for each release. Instead of manual shannanigans in OpenOffice, I run a single command, and voila ;-)
HSQL's syntax: http://hsqldb.org/…s-chapt.html (I was very surprised by HSQL's features, it supports much more of SQL than e.g. MySQL.)
Enjoy :)
crunch [-in] <inCSV> [-out] <outCSV> [-sql] <SQL>"
crunch input.csv output.csv "SELECT AVG(duration) AS durAvg FROM (SELECT * FROM indata ORDER BY duration LIMIT 2 OFFSET 6)"`
## jobName, buildNumber, config, ar, arFile, deployDur, warmupDur, scale 'eap-5.1.0-perf-deployers', 355,'production','testdata/war/hellothere.war','hellothere.war',10282,14804,1000 'eap-5.1.0-perf-deployers', 355,'production','testdata/ear/EarWithWar-Counter.ear','EarWithWar-Counter.ear',11005,18904,1000 'eap-5.1.0-perf-deployers', 355,'production','testdata-own/war/war-big-1.0.war','war-big-1.0.war',1966,14800,100 ...
SELECT jobName, buildNumber, config, ar, arFile, deployDur, warmupDur, scale," + " CAST(warmupDur AS DOUBLE) / CAST(deployDur AS DOUBLE) AS warmupSlower FROM indata ORDER BY deployDur
'eap-5.1.0-perf-deployers',355,'production','testdata/war/hellothere.war','hellothere.war',10282,14804,1000,1.4397977047267068E0 'eap-5.1.0-perf-deployers',355,'production','testdata/ear/EarWithWar-Counter.ear','EarWithWar-Counter.ear',11005,18904,1000,1.7177646524307133E0 'eap-5.1.0-perf-deployers',355,'production','testdata-own/war/war-big-1.0.war','war-big-1.0.war',1966,14800,100,7.527975584944048E0
script yet to be done. Currently you need to call
java -jar CsvCruncher.jar <args>